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03 Mar, 2021 7 comments

Preset Pacesetters Celebrates 23rd Anniversary7


As part of activities marking its 23rd anniversary celebration, students of Preset Pacesetters Senior High School on Saturday, October 25, 2019 embarked on a float through some principal streets of Madina in the La Nkwantanang Municipal Assembly, in the Greater Accra Region. 

With many of them wearing their respective house T-shirts – of Mandela House, Nkrumah House, Aveh House and Kofi Annan House, the students started the float from the school premises at Firestone at about 9:00am, then passed through the Atomic Post Office, Rawlings Circle, Randy Pharmacy, then through the Madina Post Office, Zongo Junction, then using the newly built footbridge, passed under the Atomic interchange and back to the school 

During the float the students were seen carrying placards, some of which read: ‘Cleanliness is Next to Godliness”, “Join Preset Pacesetters for Excellent Education”, “Preset Pacesetters: Our Pace is Right”, among many others. As part of the procession, there was also a brass band which was being played by the School Cadet, as the rest of the students sang and danced along. 

The students also used the procession to educate the public on the need to use the newly built Madina footbridge, as they walked on it in their numbers to the admiration of passersby. They were accompanied by some of their teachers as well as a police escort.

Other activities marking the week- long celebration include Bonfire Night (on Sunday October 27), Inter-House Debate, Inter-House Quiz, Inter-House Cultural Dance Competition, Drama Day, and many more (on October 28-29). The event will be climaxed by a musical performance by Quamina MP, a guest artiste, on October 30. 


                                                                                                Winny Pearl Danquah

                                                                                                   Form 3 Gen. Arts 3

7 thoughts on "Preset Pacesetters Celebrates 23rd Anniversary"

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